Monday 11 August 2008

Its not about where, but when to advertise!

Last week was the last week of college for me, until September at least.

And as I left i went to the loo (as you do) and as i was drying my hands, in-between the dryers was a A4 piece of paper that said "While your standing there drying your hands, have you thought about your future?" and the rest of the paper said about where you can get help about your future, but that's not what got me, it was the fact it advertised when you had time to read it. There every few times when you spend time in your day standing around, with nothing to specifically to look at, one is drying your hands you look at the cracks in the walls, the logos etc but having an advert there you will read it, your mind has to.

Now using that idea, maybe its the same with the net?

Gmail, Redesigned

The new look?Most of us use Gmail.

For me I use it for all my emails, excluding some important ones that go into a remote mailbox.

But the point is that using Gmail for 3 years since it came out, the interface gets old.

But thanks to Better Gmail 2 addon for firefox, this will change.

The new Addon from this link lets you:
  • Force you to connect on https(Secure)
  • Shows the Inbox count first (eg: "(1 unread, Google Mail - Mozilla Firefox")
  • Use Macros
The above list just shows you the first tab of options, there is a total 6 tabs, and one of them is Skins, and from that you can choose:
  • Gmail Blue
  • Greys and blues
  • Redesigned
  • None
I chose redesigned, and will never go back on that choice, its a awesome interface, I recommend you install them asap!!

Also available:
  • Better Flickr - Version 0.3: Adds Firefox 3 support, Rich Edit, Photo Page Enhancer, and Thumbnail Page Enhancer.
  • Better Youtube (But be careful because of Viacom!) - Version 0.4.3: Adds Firefox 3 compatibility; Fixes FlowPlayer (alternate, non-autoplaying player) and YouTube Theater view.
  • Better GCal - Version 0.3: Adds the Redesigned skin beta by Globex Designs.
  • Better GReader - Version 0.3: Adds Colorful List View; Updates the Minimalistic skin; Adds international domain support including,,, and others.
  • Better Lifehacker - Version 0.2: Adds HTML Helper and Nested comment replies.

Collected via Lifehacker

What i hate about Unix? Simplness of commands.

Okay, I'm sitting there minding my own business and suddenly the PC goes bleepbeebeeebebeb.

Okay, I may slightly be doing a Ellen Feist on you, but its exactly how I feel?
Whats the difference between */ and /* ? a whole server!!!

Okay, the command I tried was this:
chmod 0644 */ -R

Which should have made all files in the directory I was in to 644 (Read and writeable by owner, but only readable by others). But as I was typing too fast I did this:
chmod 0644 /* -R

Which doesn't do the same command, if I'm in /home/user/public_html, it doesn't run the command from public_html it runs it from the root, right at the top, like setting all your C:/ to permission denied (For you XP readers).

Its just those few seconds while you wait for it to run, then reload it through your head and get that sickly feeling as you have just realised what you have done, you hit Ctrl +X as hard as you can but you know the damage is done

One server, over 300 users and I have just successfully written off the server, boy this day could get better :(
New advert I just finished, also has a slogan, what do you guys think?
Link to the real post.

(400x100, Shockwave Media File.)
  • Changed somthing to something.
  • Changed to a 5 second gap to read the questions.